Coupon Programs for
Pharmacy Costs
There are coupons available through some vendors that can drastically reduce
a prescription copay. These coupon programs usually don't require any
membership fee; it simply involves scanning a coupon at the pharmacy itself.
Some pharmacies may be able to direct the student to low cost coupon programs
in their area. Pharmacy coupons can usually be found and printed through the
School Health
Centers and Insurance
Many students don't avail themselves of their school's health center -- and
some may not realize that they have additional insurance through their
university tuition. Students should inquire with their university's health
center before moving forward with their prescriptions, as they may have other,
lower cost options open to them. Some universities may even have discounts open
at local pharmacies.
Low Income Pharmacy
Some pharmacies offer financial assistance directly through their own
programs. These programs are generally open to those who have a low annual
income, and many students may qualify, if they are no longer a dependent of
their parents. Low income pharmacy programs usually only accept prescriptions
for generic medications, so they may not be a solution for students who require
brand name medications.
Other Alternatives
Resources are usually available through a school's financial aid center even
if the students cannot obtain aid for their medications directly through the
school itself. There are also low cost counseling options available in most
states. Students looking for a financial assistance pharmacy Michigan can
inquire with these resources.