At some point, every business takes the time to evaluate the productivity, growth, and opportunity of their company. This includes the pharmaceutical technology sector.
Each year, pharmacy techs and representatives take a close look at what direction their industry is going. During 2016, pharmaceutical technology has provided patients with some exciting new trends.

Top 4 Pharmaceutical Technology Trends of 2016
The top pharmaceutical trends of 2016 include programs to benefit patients, as well as programs and technology that will help streamline the pharmaceutical businesses in Michigan and around the country.
1. Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
Prescription drug addiction and overdose is a very real problem in this country. Drug overdoses took the lives of 38,300 people back in 2010; 22,000 of which were the
result of prescription drug overdoses, particularly opioids. Families are losing loved ones, and the problem only seems to be escalating. Thankfully, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies and the authorities are taking steps to prevent this problem from getting any worse. One such step is a prescription drug monitoring program. Electronic prescriptions and monitoring will help doctors recognize when a medication is being abused. Such technology also helps doctors and pharmacists catch potentially deadly prescription combinations.

2. Pharmacy Analytics
Pharmacy analytics is a way for the industry to monitor patient spending, patient care, the quality of patient care and drug use. Such information can help a company make more responsible decisions financially and clinically.
3. Medication Therapy Management
Medication Therapy Management, or MTM, is a program that helps pharmacists provide their clientele with better service and resources. Pharmacists are highly trained and oftentimes know more about medications and drug interactions than doctors. With this knowledge, pharmacists can better explain the medications to
their customers, and offer support in other areas. The pharmacist can help their patients stick to their prescribed drug program, recommend and supply immunizations, recommend changes in drug dosages, and order lab tests. These programs have been able to identify gaps in patient care, help the patient and pharmacy save money, and have managed to make the pharmaceutical technology industry more patient-centric.

4. Financial Assistance Programs
Another great provision patients can receive through their pharmacy is financial assistance. Michigan pharmacies have been able to save their customers a lot of money through their programs for financial assistance pharmacy Michigan techs help their customers apply for and utilize such programs, something that
would be intimidating, if not difficult, for many patients. With the implementation of financial assistance, more patients are getting the medications they desperately need.

Pharmacy Technicians Have Patient’s Best Interests at Heart
The pharmaceutical industry is working hard to improve their business structure by creating plans, programs, and technology that will help them to better serve their patients. One of the most exciting of these programs is patient financial assistance. Michigan pharmacy techs are excited to help their customers save money wherever possible. With the implementation of these and other top pharmaceutical technology trends of 2016, pharmacies can improve their bottom line while protecting and serving their customers.